130702 DS & SEIS Thurston - 2024 Periodic

130702 DS & SEIS Thurston - 2024 Periodic
Determination of Significance (DS) & Request for Comments on the Scope of Non-Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Thurston 2045 Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update under the Growth Management Act
Description of Proposal: “Thurston 2045” - Thurston County Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update
Thurston County is updating its comprehensive plan (“plan”) for a 20-year period through 2045, and updating development regulations as required by the Growth Management Act. The comprehensive plan is the 20-year growth plan and policy document for unincorporated Thurston County. This document guides future land use, housing, economic development, population and employment growth, natural resource protection, environmental protection, capital facilities, climate, and more.
Updates to the plan include new narrative, goals and policies, maps, and growth forecasts for projected housing and population growth. Updates to development regulations bring regulations into consistency with changes in state law or support proposed changes in the plan. As part of the periodic update, the county must evaluate how it can achieve its 20-year growth projections for population and housing. These projections are based on guidance from the Washington State Office of Financial Management and Washington State Department of Commerce and developed following a collaborative process with the county and other cities, led by Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC). This environmental review also covers the Nisqually Subarea Plan Update.
The environmental review will include the Nisqually Subarea Plan update, which is another county-initiated comprehensive plan docket item with an areawide impact in the Nisqually Valley. Similarly to the periodic update, the Nisqually Subarea Plan updates the subarea plan for a 20-year period through 2045.
Proponent / Applicant:
Thurston County
Location of Proposal:
Thurston County, Washington
Lead Agency: Thurston County Community Planning and Economic Development will be the lead agency under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
Threshold Determination:
EIS Required. The lead agency has determined that the proposal is likely to result in significant adverse impact to the environment and, pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.21C (SEPA), an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required. The EIS will address probable significant adverse environmental impacts of the Thurston 2045 proposal. This Determination of Significance (DS) is issued under WAC 197-11-360. An environmental checklist and other materials indicating likely environmental impacts can be reviewed at the project website: thurston2045.org.
EIS to be Prepared by:
Thurston County (Proponent / Applicant) will be responsible for the preparation of the supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS). The SEIS will supplement the Thurston County EIS for Habitat Conservation Plan (EIS), March 2022.
The lead agency has preliminarily identified the following for discussion in the EIS: Under SEPA, the SEIS will examine the environmental impacts of the Thurston 2045 proposal. Elements of the environment (WAC 197-11-444) that have been identified for discussion are listed below:
• Natural Environment: Earth, surface and ground water resources, plants and animals.
• Built Environment: Land use, housing and socioeconomics, transportation, public services, and utilities.
Alternatives: It is proposed that the SEIS will analyze two alternatives. The alternatives include a “no action alternative” and one “action alternative” for an alternative growth scenario. The alternatives will include variations of elements such as the mix of residential, commercial, and industrial zoning and land uses, housing types, densities, and locations. The County does not intend to expand Urban Growth Boundary’s as part of this plan update under any alternative to meet growth projections. Any future development and re-development will undergo environmental review on a project-by-project basis.
• No Action Alternative (Buildable Lands Baseline): This updates the Comprehensive Plan based on the 2021 Buildable Lands Report projections by Thurston Regional Planning Council and assumes existing zoning and development standards. It projects rural growth at approximately 14% over the next 20 years based on existing trends.
• Action Alternative - Alternative Growth Scenario (Buildable Lands ‘Sustainable Thurston’ Land Use Alternative): Updates the Comprehensive Plan based on the Land Use Alternative in the 2021 Buildable Lands Report projections by Thurston Regional Planning Council (aligns closely to the Dec. 2013 Sustainable Thurston goals). It projects rural growth at approximately 6% over the next 20 years.
Scoping and Notice of Comment Period: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS within a 21-day scoping comment period per WAC 197-11-408 beginning on July 18, 2024 and closing on August 8, 2024 at 5:00 PM. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Methods for presenting your comments are described below. Comments may be submitted by:
• Thurston 2045 Comment Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RLB63K9, when using the form, please select “other” and type “SEPA” under topics of interest
• By email to Maya Teeple: Maya.Teeple@co.thurston.wa.us
• Written Comment: Thurston County Community Planning and Economic Development
Attention: Maya Teeple,
Senior Planner
Thurston County Atrium
3000 Pacific Ave SE,
Olympia, WA 98501
Issue Date: July 18, 2024
Comment Deadline:
August 8, 2024, 5:00 PM
Documents Available: Background documents and other materials can be reviewed at our offices and on our website at: thurston2045.org
Project No. 2024102629
Folder No. 24-108068 XA
Date: 07/18/2024
Responsible Official:
(for) Joshua Cummings,
Appeals Per TCC 17.09.160(A) an appeal is not applicable since the proponent, Thurston County, is proposing the Determination of Significance.
SEPA Information More information regarding a Determination of Significance (DS), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is found at the Washington State Department of Ecology webpage or at the following link: https://ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/SEPA/Environmental-review/SEPA-guidance
Pub: Nisqually Valley News
July 18, 2024

Posted 7/17/2024