Yelm schools levy failure disappointing



I was so saddened by the failure of the Yelm Public Schools levy not passing for the second time. I am an 88-year-old widow living on a fixed income, and I have never voted against a school levy. My oldest son graduated from Federal Way High School after the school levy failed two times and the school was no longer accredited. My son had trouble getting into college as credits were not accepted. My youngest son graduated from Yelm High School and went on to graduate and get a degree in photojournalism at Central Washington University. I have always been impressed with Yelm High School teachers and faculty. 

The school board does a fine job for no pay to keep things in check. 

I recently attended the Dollars for Scholars dinner, which raised $123,000 with community support. It was magic, and the senior helpers did a grand job of helping out with the dinner. A young couple sat at my table from Olympia. I asked why they came to the dinner, and she said because they had young children and heard Yelm schools were very good. Another friend has come from California to be with her daughter and grandson, who is autistic. She said she was so impressed with the grandson’s progress in the school system. 

The school has celebrated so many outstanding sports, music and art. The recent plant sale sold out, with major sales receipts. To those of you who voted against the levy, I say, “What have you done?”

Joan Patrick
