Yelm City Council Discusses Water System Plan, Travel Policy and Garbage Services


The Yelm City Council discussed the city’s water system plan, the adoption of a travel policy and garbage services in Yelm during a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14.

Cody Colt, with the Yelm Department of Public Works, said the water system plan was originally approved in 2021. The council looked into updating the plan with data collected since it was originally passed during the meeting.

The data includes new hydraulic models for the construction throughout Yelm that took place after the water system plan was approved, which includes the construction of several apartment complexes in the city.

The city council approved an amendment to the professional services agreement, which stated the amount should not exceed $60,530 for the development of a water system hydraulic model as the water system plan is updated.

Stephanie Dice, the City of Yelm’s finance director, addressed the possibility of the city adopting a travel policy. Dice spoke about establishing guidelines and procedures for the authorization and reimbursement of travel and related expenses incurred by employees while conducting city business.

She said the city would be able to find the per diem and lodging rates for other cities with help from the General Service Administration.

“I do want to stress that we require pre-approval for all travel. We don’t have employees going and doing whatever they want,” Dice said. “They have to go to their manager, their director or city administrator to request that travel.”

Colt also discussed the contract between the City of Yelm and LeMay Enterprises for garbage services. He said Yelm had a 15-year contract with LeMay, which recently expired. Resolution No. 632 would renew the city’s contract with LeMay and would allow the company to continue its services related to garbage pickup.

Colt added the contract includes several services that are relatively inexpensive to the city, which includes dumpster service during “spring cleanup” and also pays for the dumpsters available during the holiday season to collect Christmas trees.

Councilmember James Blair asked Colt if any part of the agreement states that private residents are required to have trash service. Blair also asked if there’s a possibility for residents to continue self-served garbage service.

Colt said residents would not be required to have LeMay trash services and noted the agreement just authorizes LeMay Enterprises to operate in Yelm.