Roy City Council member resigns, effective immediately


Roy City Council member Clayton Grubb resigned from the council on Monday, Sept. 25. The council learned of his resignation hours before its Monday night meeting, which marked Grubb’s final day on the council.

Grubb, a Roy resident, cited an increased responsibility with his job as a police officer and with his family as his reason for his departure.

“Between my children and family responsibilities and work responsibilities, I didn’t feel like I could commit 100% to this position, which I feel like the city deserves,” said Grubb, who handled recreation and cultural matters for the council. “For that reason, after speaking with the mayor and some of the other council members, I decided it would be best if I stepped down so that way someone could fill my shoes.”

Grubb has served with the council since January and said it was a new experience for him learning how a city functions.

“It’s actually been really enjoyable,” he said. “So to leave, I’m actually a little saddened. But it’s been an interesting thing to see how the city improves and helping pass things that could further help, especially with the fact that I live in the city. So I enjoyed doing things that would improve my way of living as well as my child’s.”

City officials said a community member inquired about the potential vacancy, but Mayor Kimber Ivy said she had not received any applications.

Ivy thanked Grubb for his service and dedication to the council in his nine-month tenure.

“We’re sorry to see him go, but we know that he’s bettering his life and his family, and we encourage his progress forward and support him 100%,” she said. “He will be missed, but we know that we will see him around, and I’m sure that he will volunteer at some of the events that we’ve got going on.”