Rainier Senior Center and Rainier High School Build Bond Through Community Luncheon


Members of the Rainier Senior Center were welcomed by students, staff and administrators to a luncheon with students of Rainier High School on Thursday, Feb. 9.

Nearly 20 members of the Rainier Senior Center shared stories and laughs with the students in the gymnasium of the school as they awaited their meals.

Rainier High School sophomore Bryn Beckman, one of the luncheon’s organizers, said the relationship between the high school and the community is an area that needs to be improved. One of the ideas that Beckman and other students came up with was the idea to have a community luncheon with the senior center.

“We have an advisory committee, and earlier in the year when discussing ideas to work on, we decided that we needed to get the school involved in the community, and the community involved in the school,” Beckman said. “We found a way to involve ourselves with the senior center, which is right in our backyard. We had a luncheon with them before and we wanted them to come out to our place so they could talk to some students.”

Beckman said the group of students enjoyed building a connection with members of the senior center.

“I think it’s really important that everyone is involved with each other and not just have them involved with us, but us involved with them, too,” Beckman said. “The seniors come to all of our games, and realistically, they’re our biggest supporters. Just to give our support back to them means the world.”

Rainier High School Principal John Beckman agreed. He acknowledged the ongoing relationship between the Rainier Senior Center and Rainier High School students is important for all parties involved.

“This connection is huge for our school. The idea came from our students. They came to us asking how they could improve the relationship with the community,” Principal Beckman said. “The kids are really excited about the luncheon.”

Linda Johnson, with the Rainier Senior Center, said the relationship between the senior center and high school is a special one. Johnson said that in addition to the community luncheons, several Rainier High School students have attended the senior center to help out when they can.

“I think that this relationship is equally important for both the Rainier seniors and Rainier students,” Johnson said. “Our members really look forward to seeing them at the senior center, or here, like today.”