YMS staffer who denied restroom access to menstruating student placed on administrative leave


A Yelm Middle School staff member involved in a recent incident in which an eighth grade student was denied permission to use the restroom after having her period in class has been placed on administrative leave.

Yelm Community Schools Superintendent Chris Woods announced the move during the Thursday, Oct. 24, Board of Directors meeting, noting that the decision is “standard procedure” while the investigation is being conducted to ensure that the process is “fair and thorough.”

“We’re working closely with Clear Risk Solutions, our risk management partner, to address the situation. An investigator will be on site early next week to begin our work,” Woods said. “The situation is an opportunity for us to reflect and examine our current practices to see if any changes are necessary to better serve our community.”

Byllie Eighinger-Lemm requested to use the restroom during class Tuesday, Oct. 15, as she was having her period and bleeding through her clothes. She claimed that her teacher denied her permission, and after texting her father, Bill Lemm, looking for answers, Lemm told his daughter to leave to address the situation.

Eighinger-Lemm went to the restroom but after returning to the hallway, she was escorted by staff back to her classroom to grab her belongings and then taken to in-school detention for 15 to 20 minutes. She did not return to school until the next week, describing the situation as stressful and embarrassing.

Woods requested that the community give grace to all those involved, including the staff.

“The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are our top priorities. We will share more information once the independent investigation is complete, but we ask for your patience and understanding,” he said. “In the meantime, I’d also like to ask for grace and compassion for all those involved, for students, for family members and for staff.”