YHS senior crowned Miss Thurston County 2025, 50th recipient of title


Marlee Sell, a Yelm High School senior, couldn’t believe it when she heard her name announced as the 50th annual Miss Thurston County recipient on Saturday, Oct. 12.

Sell said, moments after winning the title of Miss Thurston County, she was in shock and immediately broke down — in awe of the honor. The program provides young women in the county with scholarship opportunities, personal and professional growth, and the chance to compete for the titles of Miss Washington and Miss America.

“I couldn’t believe it. Then I saw my mom in the crowd. She was clapping and crying, which made the moment even more surreal for me, knowing how proud she and my family were,” Sell told the Nisqually Valley News on Oct. 14. “Being the 50th recipient comes with so much excitement knowing that I am carrying this inspiring legacy along with me. I really want to use my year of service to maintain the legacy all the women before me have created.”

Sell said the process of being crowned “starts at wanting to be involved.”

After meeting previous winners Nyah Hart and Emma Adams at a “Coffee with the Crowns” event, Sell felt inspired to become involved in the program shortly after.

Sell said that attending workshops were extremely helpful and meaningful aspects of the Miss Thurston County program, and contestants would meet every Sunday to practice phrases of compassion, mock interviews and work on community service initiatives.

“I had the pleasure of being on my school’s cheer team with Miss Thurston County’s Teen 2023 Charlease Hyder. She talked very highly about the program and the amazing opportunities it offers young women, so I thought, why not give it a try,” Sell said. “The Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program is a really amazing program. They provide scholarships for every single participant, which is very exciting. Not all programs offer that. The program also has helped me raise my confidence to a brand new level. Being at workshops every Sunday surrounded by incredible and hardworking young women has just been awe-inspiring.”

As the Miss Thurston County competition drew closer, Sell said the contestants were matched with their blossoms and ambassadors during a matching party, which she described as a lot of fun. Finally, the day before the pageant, Sell and contestants participated in a full dress rehearsal at South Puget Sound Community College.

The day of, the contestants each had private interviews in the morning, followed by three phases of competition during the pageant, including a fitness walk, onstage questions and evening gown category before crowning.

The YHS senior added that the contestants she’s met throughout her Miss Thurston County journey have shown her what it “truly means to be confident.”

“It’s been really cool to see that even though we are competing against each other, we all help each other out and hype one another up,” Sell said. “It’s been a truly incredible experience meeting every one of them.”