This letter is a rebuttal to M. Douglas Martin’s previous letter. You state: “Over the last 10 years, on average, YCS has failed to get about 80% of its students to at least a minimum level of proficiency each and every year. Last year it failed 77% of its students…”
The graduation rate for Yelm High School over the last 10 years is 80.8%. Last year, the graduation rate was 85%. Twenty-four credit courses are required to graduate. Courses are established by the state Board of Education, and proficiency is required of each student for graduation.
You state: “As a result, I have personally tutored average and better high school students in algebra who can’t tell you what seven times six is! Anecdotally, somewhere around 40% of Yelm’s high school students will not know their times table.”
The definition of anecdotally is based on hearsay rather than hard facts.
You state: “Teacher salary is dependent on the teacher’s certifications.”
Yelm teacher salary is based on state certifications, completed degree from a college or university, continuing education credits, seniority and comprehensive evaluations twice a year from administrative professionals.
You state: “Teacher salaries, however, have done quite well with Yelm teachers making an average (2023-24) of just over $100,000 per 180-day work year (and as high as $157,000 per 180-day work year) eclipsing the average salaries of teachers worldwide and throughout most of the United States.”
Yelm teachers are the lowest paid teachers in the area. The comparable area districts are: Bethel, Eatonville, Franklin Pierce, Griffin, North Thurston, Olympia, Rainier, Tenino, Tumwater, and University Place. The average “just over $100,000” teacher salary figure you state is almost twice the amount of the actual median salary for Yelm teachers.
Pierce County is running this levy election due to Thurston County construction projects. Yelm households will receive their ballots from Pierce County. This levy is not a new levy. This will replace the prior authorized levy from 2020 and extend it through 2029.
Please vote yes for the Feb. 11th levy. Your community’s children are depending upon the levy passing. Thank you.
DR Kraves
Thurston County