Thurston County commissioners to hold public hearing on planning policies update

Meeting scheduled for Jan. 21 in Olympia


The Thurston County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) has scheduled a public hearing to hear input on a potential county-wide planning policies update.

The proposed update can be viewed online at The public hearing will be held at 3:30 p.m. or “soon thereafter” on Tuesday, Jan. 21, in Room 110 at 3000 Pacific Ave. SE, in Olympia. Those who cannot attend the event can view it online at


Public testimony will be accepted, in person and online, during the public hearing, but written comments cannot be submitted beyond noon on the day of the event. Written comments can be submitted to Andrew Boughan at or by using the comment form online at

According to a press release from the Board of County Commissioners Office, the County-Wide Planning Policies (CWPP) are requirements for all counties under the scope of the state’s Growth Management Act (GMA). Under the GMA’s guidelines, CWPPs establish a basis for developing and adopting city and county comprehensive plans.

The role of the policies are to coordinate comprehensive plans for jurisdictions in the same county for regional issues or issues affecting common borders. CWPPs find commonalities across all jurisdictions’ comprehensive plans and help form the foundation of those plans, according to a news release. The proposed Thurston County BoCC update focuses on two areas: tribal coordination and urban growth area land swaps.

More information can be found online at
