
Death Investigation

Yelm police officers responded to a potential death investigation around 8:46 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13 near 107th Loop Southeast.

According to police reports, a caller reported seeing an elderly woman through a window “laying in the wrong direction” on the bed. The reporting party suspected the worst, as the woman appeared unconscious and unresponsive.

After further investigation, Yelm Police Officers determined the elderly woman died from natural causes and ruled out any foul play.

Rape reported at Yelm residency

Yelm police officers responded to reports of rape at a residence around 1:45 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 15, on Walmart Boulevard Southeast.

According to police reports, the victim and suspect broke up months ago, however they share an apartment together. The victim claimed that she woke up to the man having non-consensual sex with her, reports said.

The police report added that the woman gave no indication that sex was OK and later went to the hospital for further evaluation.

The suspect was transported to Thurston County Jail, where he was booked on charges of second-degree rape.