Local farm to host open house educational event


Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm will host an open house educational event, Climb Your Own Personal Everest, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18. The event will feature Mitch and Michelle Lewis of Summit Farms, who will teach skills for farming and homesteading, according to organizers, at Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm, 14062 Yelm Hwy SE, Yelm.

Mitch is a celebrated speaker, acclaimed author, successful businessman, community leader and world-renowned athlete, according to the press release.

It’s free to attend, although the farm recommends bringing rubber boots for the tour.

Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens is a 12-acre farm that practices regenerative agriculture, using solar panels, wind turbines and composting to be as environmentally friendly as possible. High-school teenagers and college students are welcome to do internships, where they will both work and learn about all of the above. Learn more at https://dancinggoatsandsingingchickens.com.