Yelm City Councilors unanimously authorized Mayor Joe DePinto to sign the Region 3 Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement, which serves as a response agreement between counties in case of emergency.
Yelm Police Chief Rob Carlson said the agreement is between Homeland Security’s Region 3 counties, which includes Thurston, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason and Pacific counties.
He added that through this agreement, all counties have agreed that if an incident occurs, each county would respond and assist.
“This is something that I think would help our community as well,” Carlson said. “It’s important that we look at it and sign it, obviously, and get back on to what we’ve been doing for 20 years, at least. Six months ago, I came to you guys to have an extension signed by the mayor because this main agreement wasn’t drafted.”
He explained that, as a new agreement has been issued, he sought council authorization for DePinto to sign the agreement.