Adults need to invest in students, schools



Why do we Yelm students get such a bad rap? Most of us were raised by the adults who voted no on the last levy — the same parents who continually refuse to discipline their children and think it's OK for their kids to become disengaged in learning. I know this is only the case for some, but we must not let these set our assumptions. I am currently a high school senior. While I didn't know what a levy was my freshman year, I do now. 

Adults who voted no also voted for board members who they believe are mismanaging funds. Why on earth would you put people there that would do that? 

Kids took a stand last year, and though the walkout might've been ill-attended, there were many there who stood in the street holding signs all day. I was one of those students. For eight hours I stood there expecting nothing in return, but I stood. I can't vote. I attended every forum before the final vote was made. I implored adults with kids and those without. When I heard of the final failure I mourned — for those elementary kids who would lose access to music, for middle schoolers who would lose clubs that were so new they hardly had a chance to see the good thing was gone, and, finally, I mourned for myself.

The idyllic senior year, always busy with service activities, officer of three clubs, student council, assemblies, dances and grad walk, that was now a future I could no longer aspire to. My mom raised me to understand the importance of education, while fleeting in our lives, provides the foundation on which we build our futures. I don't have much time left in Yelm. I've already been accepted into college, but some will come after me. This is the last time I will ask. I have no interest in beating a dead horse. If you want your kids to have an education to be proud of, more safety in your schools and greater money efficiency, MAKE IT HAPPEN. If you don't have kids and are one of those who complain about how “dumb” kids are nowadays, put your money where your mouth is. Give them the opportunities to be smart. Vote for board members who will do the right things. Vote for levies that will help future generations learn. Use your right to vote because we can’t.

Audrey Van Kooten
