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We have a Constitution that protects the freedom of individuals. We now have the US government using tax payer dollars to pay private companies for vaccines that have not yet even received full medical safety reviews by the FDA in which the FDA, the CDC, WHO and many other nation's public health departments have recognized that that these EUA vaccines can have severe 'short term' impacts upon the individual from immediate development of blood clots and developing Guillian Barre Syndrome. Since these pharma companies are exempted from financial liabilities from the harms that might impact the individual and the federal compensation program only provides a token compensation amount that leaves the individual and/or family to deal with burdens of any adverse responses. Will those advocating forced vaccinations provide an 'incentive' that they will fully provide for the harms or death for those harmed by mandatory vaccinations? No??? Will will those private citizens who are demanding that everyone take these EUA injections step up to their social and community concerns and share their incomes with anyone who has been harmed by taking these injections? I haven't read of any of them willing to support such harmed persons or their impacted families for the rest of their lives.

There are WARNINGS attached to all of the injections. WARNINGS that are not there for decoration but to caution those who are considering the injections to take into consideration PRIOR to taking the injections. WARNINGS infer that one should still have a right to REJECT the injections as harmful to their health. I have yet to encounter a single person who has taken these injections who has been fully informed about the adverse reactions and none of them have read about the possible adverse reactions on their own. How is it possible to be this uninformed when one's health is involved? One woman I know was given the adverse information AFTER she was doing her mandatory 15 minutes waiting in her vehicle. And two weeks later as she was telling me of her experience she asked me "exactly what to they mean, an adverse event is? I didn't understand that". TWO weeks after her injection someone finally explained to her what 'adverse events' means and how such things can impact one's health. She opted not to go back for a second dose. Her choice after actually being FULLY informed with what the pharma companies and the FDA provide.

From: Braun, Wilcox Say Vax Requirement ‘Heavy-Handed,’ But Providence, Democrats Approve

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