124561 NOA 2022.0065 Car Detailing

124561 NOA 2022.0065 Car Detailing
Notice of Application - 2022.0065 - Earsley Investments Car Detailing
The Yelm Planning and Building Division received a complete application from Matt and Sadie Earsley for the purpose of combining parcels 85800100100 and 85800100200 through boundary line adjustment in order to construct a 70 by 45-foot building which will be used for auto detailing services. The properties are located at 106 & 108 Yelm Ave W, Yelm, WA 98597.
The application is available for public review during normal business hours at Public Services building, 901 Rhoton Rd. NW, Yelm WA 98597.
For additional information please contact the Planning and Building Division at (360) 400-5003, or via email at planning@yelmwa.gov .
Comments addressed to planning@yelmwa.gov will be accepted until 5:00 PM on December 15, 2022. Pub: Nisqually Valley News December 8, 2022

Posted 11/30/2022